Cascade hop genome sequenced with PacBio long-reads, assembled with FALCON, and phased with FALCON-Unzip

         Download assembly     FASTA (8,661 contigs; 361M)

         Download contig mapping file     TSV (2.0M)

Repeats identified with LTRharvest and RepeatMasker

         Download repeat coordinates     GFF

Gene models predicted with Augustus

         All gene models (minimum lenth of 150 amino acids; longest transcript per gene)

         Download peptide sequences     91258 sequences (FASTA)

         Download CDS     91258 sequences (FASTA)

         Download gene GFF     GFF

         Repeat-filtered gene models (minimum lenth of 150 amino acids; longest transcript per gene)

         Download repeat-filtered peptide sequences     82090 sequences (FASTA)

         Download repeat-filtered CDS     82090 sequences (FASTA)

         All gene models (No length or repeat filtering; all transcripts per gene)

         Download peptide sequences     153703 sequences (FASTA)

         Download CDS     153703 sequences (FASTA)

         Download gene GFF     GFF

RNA-seq aligned to primary contig assembly with HISAT2 and assembled into transcripts with StringTie

         Download merged StringTie transcripts from leaf, meristem, and stem     GFF3

         Download StringTie leaf transcript coordinates     GFF3

         Download StringTie meristem transcript coordinates     GFF3

         Download StringTie stem transcript coordinates     GFF3